Mar 11, 2022

Tires are one part of your Mazda that should never be neglected. Worn down or damaged tires can reduce your vehicle’s handling, performance, and mileage at best. At worst, they can cause skids or blowouts on the road. Let’s take a look at 4 indicators that you should pop into your local Mazda dealer for a set of new tires.

Time for New Tires? Visit Your Rochester Mazda Dealer Today

Dangerous Tread Depth

By law, the tread depth of your tires should never fall below 2/32 of an inch. But it’s not a good idea to let any one of your tires wear down this much. This is especially true if you’re driving during winter upon icy roads when a minimum tread depth of 5/32 of an inch is the recommended rule.

You can measure your tread depth with a tread depth gauge, which you’ll find at most auto parts stores. Alternatively, you can use the penny test. Simply place a penny into the shallowest part of your tire, with the top of Lincoln’s head closest to the rubber. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head on the copper above the tread lug, then your tread depth is too shallow. It’s worn down to 2/32 of an inch, and it’s time for a new one.

Uneven Tread Depth

If your tires are wearing down in an uneven manner, it will reduce the handling of your vehicle, which can eventually become dangerous. If the uneven wear is still quite mild and caused by extra weight in the front or rear of your vehicle, then straight-forward tire rotation might sort out the problem.

But if the unevenness has become quite extensive and noticeable, then it might be time for a new set of tires. When you take your car in, you should also ask your technician to identify what’s causing the problem. The uneven wearing could be due to under-inflation in some tires, faulty suspension, misaligned wheels, or something else altogether.

Visible Under-Fabric

All tires take a beating over time, and it’s natural to accumulate a few cuts, cracks, and blisters in the rubber. But only the very mildest of such damage can safely be ignored. If a cut or crack is long or deep, then the structural integrity of the tire is at threat and you need to get it replaced. If a cut or crack is so deep that you can see the under-fabric beneath the tire, then that tire is definitely no longer safe to use.

Inexplicable Air Loss

Another surefire sign that a tire needs replacing is if you notice consistent air loss. All drivers should regularly check their tire pressure, as even just one under-inflated or overinflated tire can lead to trouble.

If you see that one or more of your tires are deflating at an inexplicable rate, then have a professional take a look. Unless you live in very cold weather, where the air inside tires tends to diminish quite rapidly, it’s probable that you have a hidden micro-puncture somewhere.

If you live in Minnesota, head down to Rochester Mazda, where we’ll examine, rotate, or replace your tires promptly, affordably, with top-notch customer care.